The local newspapers and online information sources often write articles about our projects. This is important so the community can be made aware of needs, exciting new projects and other announcements.
This Yorktown News article is about Yorktown Trail Town announcing their plan for the quarry and trails at Sylvan Glen Park Preserve and outlining the potential costs.
2019 News
11/12/2019 – Committee Receives Grant for Sylvan Glen Park Preserve / Press Release
Press release about Yorktown Trail Town receiving a $5,000 National Heritage Area grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway to document the history of the abandoned Mohegan Quarry at the Sylvan Glen Park Preserve with interpretive signs, vintage photographs and online resources. Press ReleasePDF
9/28/2019 – Missing Trail Link Completed in Town of Yorktown (The Northern Westchester Examiner)
A Northern Westchester Examiner article (page 4) describes the celebration of the completion of the Mohansic Trailway in Yorktown. Press ReleasePDF
3/31/2019 – Work Resumes on Mohansic Trailway / Press Release
Press release about work resuming on the second and final phase of the Mohansic Trailway. Last week a dedicated group of volunteers moved dirt to prepare the area for the construction of two bridges over the trail’s stream. The earth moving will enable the volunteers to build the bridges and walls as well as widen the trail (treadway) on the north side of the stream. Press ReleasePDF